Goldman Software
Software Team Support
Connecting the best software engineers with the best companies
20 years of experience on providing software engineering support to silicon valley companies
Rapid Expansion Opportunities:
TEAM1: C Team (Embedded Firmware Develeopment Team)
- 7 engineers with 20+ years of experience
- 11 engineers with 1-3 years of experience
TEAM2: C++ Team
- 3 engineers with 18+ years of experience
- 6 engineers with 1-5 years of experience
Experienced team members worked together
Our References:
1. Bitay.com @Istanbul, Turkey
- SW development in NodeJS/Javascript, and Python
- Products: Crypto Currency Exchange Market
2. Mimosa Networks Inc. @Santa Clara, CA (Acquired by Airspan)
- SSW development on C, and Python
- Products: Wireless Backhaul, Access Points, Cloud based management
3. Cypress Semiconductor Inc. @San Jose, CA (Acquired by Infineon)
- SW development in C, and Python
- Products: Touch screen controller, SQA test automation
4. Ubicom Inc. @Mountain View, CA, US (Acquired by Qualcomm)
- SW development in C, C++, and Java
- Products: Routers, Gateways, Internet radio, Media player